
Hashtag Find Your Park, Hashtag I Found Katmai, bear cub sitting upright

As Katmai National Park approaches its 100th anniversary, this is an important time to reflect on the importance of national parks. Through 2018, everyone is encouraged to Find Your Park. We want you to share how Katmai and national parks are important.

Over the next 12 months, share your thoughts and feelings on Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. Be sure to tag your posts and tweets with #FindYourPark and #IFoundKatmai. You can also share how Katmai is your park at http://findyourpark.com/share. Katmai’s social media team will periodically search for the #FindYourPark and #IFoundKatmai tags so we can share posts with our followers.

Did you make a recent trip to Katmai? Post your favorite photo. If you discovered Katmai through the bearcams, then tell us about your favorite bearcam moment and how bearcam helped you find your park. Do you have any Katmai inspired art? Share it with everyone. If you just want to say how Katmai and national parks are important, then simply tweet it or write a sentence or two on Facebook.

National parks need stewards to survive. No matter where you live, go out and find your park.

See who’s using #IFoundKatmai on Facebook and #IFoundKatmai onTwitter.

Last updated: June 22, 2020

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1000 Silver Street, Building 603

King Salmon, AK 99613


907 246-3305

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