What We Inventory

A bobcat looks back and forth while sitting in the snow.
Bobcats (Felix rufus) can be found in most NETN parks.

Ed Sharron

When the Inventory & Monitoring Program started, a set of 12 basic inventories were identified to help better understand and manage park natural resources. These point-in-time surveys help parks learn about the location, diversity, and condition of their resources including plants, animals, air, water, soils, landforms, and climate.
These initial inventories compiled existing information, acquired new information, and helped establish a minimum level of data at all NETN and other I&M Program parks. The inventories also served as a common starting point for natural resource monitoring and will be repeated periodically dependent upon funding.

For NETN park specific inventories and data, see the Inventory Reports webpage.
Find NETN park species lists here.
Learn more and find links to the 12 basic inventories on the national Natural Resource Inventories webpage.

Last updated: May 24, 2019