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IDP Home Page
Fulfilling the NPS Mission 101
Informal Visitor Contacts 102
Interpretive Talk 103
Conducted Activity 210
Interpretive Demonstration 220
Interpretive Writing 230
Curriculum-based Program 270
Planning Park Interpretation 310
Interpretive Media Development 311
Leaning Interpreters 330
Interpretive Research
Other Developmental Competencies


Planning Park Interpretation Curriculum-based Program Interpretive Writing Interp. Demonstration Conducted Activity Interpretive Talk Informal Visitor Contacts Fulfilling NPS Mission IDP Homepage Interp. Media Development Leading Interpreters Interp. Research Interpretive Writing Curriculum-based Program Planning Park Interpretation Interp. Media Development Leading Interpreters Interpretive Research Interp. Demonstration Conducted Activity Interpretive Talk Informal Visitor Contacts Fulfilling NPS Mission IDP Homepage





About the Module The Curriculum Certification Standard About Submission More Resources Anchor Products

Assessment Rubric for Full Performance Level Benchmark Competency:
Module 340: Interpretive Research and Resource Liaison

 [**Note: The content of this module and rubric continues to be field-tested, so changes are possible as the material is used. Be certain to study all elements carefully so that you will have the information necessary to teach, learn, or submit products in this module. Always look at the "Last Update" reference line at the bottom of all files in the curriculum to be sure you are working with the latest version. If you have suggestions for improvements, please forward them to the training manager.**]


The product meets the certification standards when the submission indicates that:

Resource meanings have been thoroughly researched and referenced and the audiences' interests have been adequately identified, considered, and referenced;


Resource meanings presented meet the researched interests of the audiences and support opportunities for those audiences to make their own intellectual and emotional connections to the meanings and significance inherent in the resource.




The submission provides evidence of:

  • A deep knowledge and understanding of resource meanings;
  • A significant effort to identify audience interests through formal studies (if possible) personal research, and direct contact with audiences;
  • An ability to link specific resource meanings to audience interests, needs, and characteristics;
  • Detailed citations and references;
  • An ability to use detailed subject matter knowledge interpretively;
  • A deep knowledge and understanding of multiple resource meanings and multiple audience perspectives.

The product is approaching the certification standards when the submission indicates that:

Resource meanings have been thoroughly researched and referenced and the audiences' interests have been adequately identified, considered, and referenced;


Resource meanings presented meet the researched interests of the audiences and support opportunities for those audiences to make their own intellectual and emotional connections to the meanings and significance inherent in the resource.





The submission demonstrates:

  • An insufficient depth of knowledge and understanding of resource meanings;
  • Insufficient effort to identify audience interests through formal studies (if possible) personal research, and direct contact with audiences;
  • Insufficient indication of the ability to link specific resource meanings to audience interests, needs, and characteristics;
  • A significant amount of resource and audience knowledge that is not cited, referenced, or explained;
  • Insufficient indication of the ability to use detailed subject matter knowledge interpretively;
  • An insufficient depth of knowledge and understanding of multiple resource meanings and multiple audience perspectives.


Last module update: September, 2001
Editor: STMA Training Manager Interpretation

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