Patent information can be found on the Bureau of Land Managment's General Land Office Records website. This database includes names, land description, total acres, patent date, and authority used to obtain the land. Researchers can use this website to confirm if somone homesteaded or obtained land through other means. Importance of the Legal Land DescriptionMost homestead entries were made on land surveyed in the rectangular system that was mandated by Congress in 1785. Each piece of land is by numbered section, township, and range in the rectangular survey system. Employees of the General Land Office were focused on which tracts of public land had been claimed not the name of the individuals who had claimed them. Therefore, researchers often need the legal description of the homessteader's land to find records. Researchers can often obtain a legal description of the land from the country recorder of deeds where the land was located. ![]() NPS Photo Searching the Online DatabaseIf you are researching Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Nevada, Ohio, Wyoming, and/or Utah Homesteaders, you can search for their homestead records (up to 1908) at Homestead National Historical Park for free. Research RequestsLearn about requesting digitized Homestead records and researching the archives and museum collection at Homestead National Historical Park. Ordering a Land-Entry Case File from the National ArchivesRequests for land-entry case files at the National Archives must be submitted on NATF Form 84. The researcher must know the name of the homesteader, the state in which the land is located, and the approximate date of entry. Certain states require more information (see below). Archival Operations Washington D.C.
Pre-1908 homestead in states with name indexes(Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, and Utah) To request a case file for a pre-July 1908 homestead claim in a states for which name indexes exist, the researcher must know the name of the homesteader, the state in which the land is located, and the approximate date of entry. Pre-1908 homestead in a Western public domain state without a name index(California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming) To request a case file for a pre-July 1908 homestead claim, the researcher must provide the National Archives with the name of the homesteader, the state in which the land is located, the approximate date of entry, and either a legal description of the land or the name of the land office and the land entry file number. Except for homesteads in Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma, this information may be obtained from the General Land Office Records posted at the Bureau of Land Management website Pre-1908 homestead in an Eastern public domain state without a name index(Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Ohio, and Wisconsin) To request a case file for a pre-July 1908 homestead claim, the researcher must provide the National Archives with the name of the homesteader, the state in which the land is located, the approximate date of entry, the file number, and the name of the land office that issued the file. Except for homesteads in Iowa, this information may be obtained from General Land Office records posted at the Bureau of Land Management website Post-1908 homesteadPost-1908 homestead records are arranged numerically by patent number, and name indexes exist for all the public domain states. To request a case file for a post-July 1908 homestead claim, the researcher must provide the National Archives with the name of the homesteader, the state in which the land is located, and the approximate date of entry.
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Last updated: June 13, 2024