Group Arrangements


Hampton has become a popular destination for group, family, and school trips. On this page you will find information about how to schedule a group visit to the park, as well as things that your group can do once they are here.

Plan a Group Visit
Plan a Group Visit

Find information on how to plan a group visit to Hampton.

During Your Visit
During Your Visit

We want your group's visit to Hampton to be as enjoyable as possible. Find out what to do once you've arrived to the site.

Field Trips
Field Trips

Find resources and planning tips for field trips of all ages and learning levels.

Permits & Reservations
Permits & Reservations

Some group visits require a permit or reservation for certain activities. Find out if your group needs a permit and how to apply.

Last updated: April 30, 2020

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

535 Hampton Lane
Towson, MD 21286


410-962-4290 (option 2)

Contact Us