Directions & Transportation

Most people arrive at Golden Spike National Historical Park by car. There is no public transportation to Golden Spike
The nearest community is Corrine, Utah.

Golden Spike National Historical Park is located in Northwest Utah:

  • 32 miles west of Brigham City Utah
  • 54 miles northwest of Ogden, Utah
  • 89 miles northwest of Salt Lake City, Utah
  • 168 miles southwest of Idaho Falls, Idaho

Directions to Golden Spike Visitor Center

Visitors relying on GPS Units, in order to direct them to our site, need to be cautious once they turn off State Highway 83. Several different GPS systems have misdirected visitors headed to our site. Road signs are more reliable as you approach the site.

Golden Spike Historic Park Visitor Center Coordinates (near Corrine, Utah) 41.617333, -112.550801

Last updated: December 10, 2023

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

P. O. Box 897
Brigham City, UT 84302


435 471-2209 x429

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