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Summer 2023 Bettles Ranger Station Update

The Bettles Ranger Station has a delayed opening for summer 2023 as we seek solutions for staffing challenges.

Wilderness and backcountry information for the park will be available at the Fairbanks Alaska Public Lands Information Center and the Arctic Interagency Visitor Center in Coldfoot.

Visitors can obtain a backcountry orientation and a bear resistant food container at either location. for more information, please call the park at (907) 459-3730.

Bear Encounters

Please report any bear encounters you experience while visiting the Gates of the Arctic by downloading the Alaska Bear Encounter Report Form and e-mailing it to and

For additional information about staying safe in bear country, explore our Bear Safety web page.

Last updated: June 27, 2023

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101 Dunkel St.
Suite 110

Fairbanks, AK 99701



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