
Looking down the Brandywine Creek on a sunny summer day.
Looking down the Brandywine Creek on a sunny summer day.

NPS Photo


Clean Water Comes First! 

What is a Watershed? 

A watershed is a large area of land where the water drains into a single river, stream or lake.  The Brandywine Valley unit of First State National Historical Park is located in the Brandywine-Christina Watershed. When it rains that water drains into one of the many streams that eventually flow into the Brandywine Creek, all of which help make up the Brandywine-Christina Watershed.

Why should we care about Watersheds? 

Everyone on the planet lives in a watershed. A healthy watershed provides you with: 
  • Clean drinking water
  • Recreation
  • Healthy ecosystems for fish, macroinvertebrates, and wildlife

What affects your watershed? 

Everything that happens on the land affects the watershed! When water runs through the land, it picks up different materials such as dirt, rocks, logs, and litter, as it drains to the various waterways. It is important to keep human pollutants like fertilizers, pesticides, pet waste, and litter from draining into the waterway, so the water stays clean and safe for everyone. 

A map showing all of the major watersheds that surround Beaver Valley.
A map showing the major watersheds that surround and make up Brandywine Valley.

The Brandywine Conservancy

How many watersheds do you live in?

The Brandywine Creek flows into the Christina River making up the Brandywine-Christina Watershed. These rivers both flow into the Delaware River which makes up part of the Delaware River Watershed. Therefore, we all live in more than one watershed!

Explore the watersheds YOU live in!

How can you help protect your watershed?

There are multiple ways that you can help keep your watershed clean for everyone. For example you could:
  • Dispose of waste properly
  • Limit the use of fertilizers and pesticides on your lawns at home
  • Pick up after your pets
  • Plant vegetation in your own yard to help with storm water drainage
  • Get involved in local community initiatives like Stream Stewards

Last updated: September 9, 2021

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

First State National Historical Park
10 Market Street

New Castle, DE 19720


To speak to a park ranger, call the park Welcome Center (302-317-3854) and someone will return your call as soon as possible. For a more immediate response, please email the park at firststate@nps.gov.

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