The American Revolutionary Episodic; Or, The Fort Stanwix Blog

About This Blog

A blog for those wanting to learn more about the 18th Century, Fort Stanwix/Schuyler, the American Revolution, and those who lived through the happenings.

A Loyal Life, or the Story of Polly Johnson

March 10, 2023 Posted by: Ranger Bill S.

Civil wars like the American Revolution can divide families in ways none of them would ever imagine, and lead those who would not normally be considered soldiers to fight battles not for grand causes, but simply to keep their families together. Such is Mary Watts Johnson’s story.


From Bondage to Freedom, or Fighting For Their Independence in a Different Way

February 24, 2023 Posted by: Ranger Bill S.

It is certainly easy to understand why so many enslaved African Americans eagerly fought for the British. In 1775, Lord Dunmore, the last Royal Governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation that promised freedom to the enslaved in Virginia who ran away from their rebel American owners and joined the British forces. This proclamation of course inspired the enslaved in the other southern Colonies to run away as well.


Love In a Time of War

February 13, 2023 Posted by: Ranger Kelly

One of the greatest love stories ever told happened right here, at Fort Schuyler/Stanwix! Learn more about the love between Peter and Catherine Gansevoort in the following article.


Love In a Time of War

February 09, 2023 Posted by: Ranger Kelly

One of the greatest love stories ever told happened right here at Fort Schuyler/Stanwix! Throughout the American Revolution, Colonel Peter Gansevoort (commander of the 3rd NY Regiment at the fort) courted Catherine "Caty" Van Schaick of Albany, NY.


Not Quite Home for the Holidays

November 18, 2022 Posted by: Rangers Bill & Kelly

Life at Fort Stanwix/Schuyler was always difficult and demanding of sacrifice. However, the winter brought conditions and hardships to the men, women, and children garrisoned here that were sometimes worse than an enemy attack. After several years of war, sometimes the holidays that should have brought reasons to celebrate only reminded people of their unbearable living conditions and their separation from loved ones.


For Want of Clean Water

September 27, 2022 Posted by: Ranger Kelly

National Park Service

Toilets were not a humorous topic in the 18th Century. In fact, access to clean water and proper sanitation meant that disease would not spread. An idea that was not always taken seriously in the British or Continental armies.


“did you ever see where I was scalped?...” or the Unfortunate Tale of Captain Gregg

October 11, 2022 Posted by: Ranger Eric O.

Captain James Gregg was stationed at Fort Schuyler [present-day Rome, N.Y.] in the summer of 1777. Accompanied by his faithful dog, and Corporal Samuel Madison, Gregg went out of the fort to go hunting on the morning of June 25, 1777. This decision, against standing orders, would prove infinitely fateful.


Siege 1777: The British Allied Forces

August 04, 2022 Posted by: Ranger Bill S.

As the Revolution came to the Mohawk Valley, New York was shattered as families and communities fought on opposite sides of the conflict. The following article describes the forces that fought on the British side of things and how they became involved.


Siege 1777: The Garrison of Fort Schuyler

August 04, 2022 Posted by: Ranger Bill S.

The American Revolution in New York became complicated as families and communities turned against each other and fighting spilled into the Mohawk Valley. Learn who fought for the American cause during the Siege of 1777 in this article.


Dateline: Connecticut, May 1780 OR Mutiny With No Bounty, Part 2

July 28, 2022 Posted by: Ranger Eric O.

Did you know that towards the end of the American Revolution, Mutiny is an act that most people don’t associate with George Washington’s army. But in fact, soldiers from just about every state mutinied sometime during the American Revolution. Morristown, New Jersey has the dubious distinction of being the site of two different mutinies. Two Connecticut Regiments mutinied on May 25, 1780, and the entire Pennsylvania Line mutinied on January 1, 1781, in one of the largest mutin


“...and half naked...”

August 07, 2021 Posted by: Ranger Kelly

How were the soldiers at Fort Schuyler dressed during the American Revolution? Read the following article to learn more!


The Northern Campaign of 1777

August 04, 2021 Posted by: Ranger Bill

From the beginning of the American Revolution, the British had understood the importance of gaining control of the Lake Champlain-Lake George-Hudson River water route to effectively cut off the colonies north of New York from those to the south. Almost all the troubles leading to the war had originated from New England, and the British hoped that if they could put down the rebellion there, the rest of the colonies might consider abandoning the war.


The Samuel Geake Conspiracy

July 22, 2021 Posted by: Ranger Bill

Throughout the Revolution, the British attempted to destroy Continental forces by sending British agents or disaffected American prisoners amongst them urging them to desert or mutiny. Most of these plots failed because the British did not understand that just because the troops were upset with their lot as soldiers, it didn’t necessarily mean they had given up on the cause of Independence.


The Declaration of Independence: What Were They Thinking?

June 30, 2021 Posted by: Ranger Val & Ranger Bill

What is a "grievance" and what did the 27 of them listed in the Declaration of Independence mean to those in the 13 Colonies supporting separation from Great Britain? Explore this in this month's Fort Stanwix Blog.


My Father, The Hero

June 20, 2021 Posted by: Ranger Kelly

Is your father your hero? Many men of the Revolution were considered heroes in their old age. But to their sons and daughters they were just “dad.”


The Early Rebellion in New York

June 14, 2021 Posted by: Ranger Bill

Among early historians researching New York during the American Revolution, the lack of numerous large scale public radical acts against British authority helped forge the reputation of it having been a largely Loyalist colony. If one looks closer however, this reputation is undeserved. It was in fact a very radical public act that brought about a change in how pre-war opposition to England would be handled by “rebel” leaders in New York.


Last updated: April 26, 2022

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