News Release

Nearly Five Acres Successfully Treated with Prescribed Fire at Fort Scott National Historic Site

Firefighter uses a drip torch to light portions of the tallgrass prairie.
Firefighter uses a drip torch to light portions of the tallgrass prairie.

NPS Photo: Brenner

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News Release Date: April 29, 2019

Contact: Carl Brenner, 620-223-0310

Yesterday, Park managers at Fort Scott National Historic Site, in coordination with Fire Managers at the US Fish and Wildlife Service from Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge, successfully treated five acres with prescribed (Rx) fire in the park’s restored tallgrass prairie.

"We are pleased with the outcome and professional manner in which the Rx burn was conducted,” said Betty Boyko, Superintendent, Fort Scott National Historic Site. “These prescribed fires, reduce the fuel load, suppress the invasive woody plants and cool season grasses, and stimulate native plants.”

The park will begin rotating the burn cycle between seasons to maintain plant diversity as this more closely approximates the natural fire regime in Eastern Kansas where lightning-ignited fires occurred most frequently during the dry summer months (July and August) and Native Americans burned most extensively in the late fall, particularly October.

Prescribed fires play on important role in the ecosystem. However, spot treatments and manual pulling are still necessary. To find out more on how to become involved, please contact the park at 620-223-0310.

Last updated: April 30, 2019

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