
Rainbow over the commisary storehouse and bakery.

NPS/Dennis Bailey

Weather at Fort Laramie:
Fort Laramie is located in the warmest part of Wyoming. Summer days can get quite hot (over 100 degrees Fahrenheit) with average temperatures in the 80s and 90s, though nights are mostly cool.

The region is semi-arid with a very distinct winter dry season. About 70% of the normal annual precipitation falls during the spring and early summer.

Winters can be cold and breezy with sub-zero days. Visitors should be aware that high winds are possible in the winter and can approach hurricane strength. During such periods, local highways are often closed to high profile and vehicles pulling light trailers. During the winter season visitors should always check current road and weather conditions before traveling to Fort Laramie.With that said, Fort Laramie also frequently has very warm and pleasant days during the winter season with 50 and 60 degree temperatures not uncommon.Click here to see the average yearly climate chart for Fort Laramie NHS.

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

965 Gray Rocks Road
Fort Laramie, WY 82212


307 837-2221

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