Interested in becoming a historic weapons volunteer? Fort Laramie NHS is an amazing place to interact with historic weapons from the 1800s. Be part of an education experience that catches the eyes of thousands of visitors every year. Please apply by clicking here or going to and select Fort Laramie NHS Interpretation Assistant.
To be part of the living history team and historic weapon demonstrations, you must have weekend availability and the park also requires volunteers to pass a knowledge test on black powder firearms, train, and drill in-person before performing any public demonstrations.
In order to maintain visitor, volunteer, and staff safety, Fort Laramie National Historical Site requires that all historic weapons demonstrations meet National Park Service standards. All volunteers and staff who wish to participate in the fort's historic weapons program must review the following documents regularly.
Please Contact us for copies. We are happy to send them to you.
19th Century Artillery Manual
19th Century Carbine Manual
19th Century Percussion Musket Manual
19th Century Percussion Revolver Manual
19th Century Repeating Rifles and Carbines
19th Century Trapdoor and Colt Revolver Manual
Please Contact us for copies. We are happy to send them to you.
Artillery Demonstration Checklist
Artillery Inspection Checklist
Blackpowder and Weapons Storage and Handling Checklist
Breech Loading Carbine Checklist
Colt and Smith & Wesson Revolver Checklist
Percussion Musket Inspection Checklist
Small Arms Demonstration Checklist