African American Heritage & Ethnography African Nation Founders: African Systems of Meaning—Self Assessment 1

Learning from the Past: Assess Your Knowledge

This review will help determine your knowledge of the information contained in this section. Answer the questions below to the best of your ability. After you have completed all of the questions please click the Check the Quiz button at the bottom of the page. You can hit the Reset button at the bottom of the page to retake the quiz.

  1. African arrivals to the American mainland found that their concept of time was similar to that of the Europeans, the only concept held in common by the distinct groups.

    1. True


    2. False

      Correct. Africans saw time in terms of nature and the passage of seasons as is witnessed by the naming of children often after the day of the week, the month, or a season in which he or she was born.

  2. Many enslaved African peoples brought to the Americas were, in terms of language,

    1. slow to learn languages not of their native tongue.


    2. fluent in Arabic.


    3. did not use language as a primary means of communication.


    4. were multilingual.

      Correct. Many Africans were reported to have known a number of languages, including trade, pidgin and creole languages.

  3. Select the Best answer to complete the sentence:

    With regard to the practice of Islam:

    1. little evidence is found that suggests Africans coming to the Americas were familiar with or practiced the religion.


    2. those who once practiced Islam left behind their religious traditions once converted to Christianity.


    3. the First Great Awakening accelerated to conversion of Africans to the point that Islamic practices faded after the second generation.


    4. evidence, including narratives and descriptions of Muslim Africans, point to the persistence of Islamic cultural practices.

      Correct. Islamic traditions can been seen with reference to turbans, beards, protective rings, prayer mats, beads, talismans and dietary customs as well as the narratives of Job Bin Solomon and Yarrow Mamount.

  4. Which of the statements below is FALSE:

    1. Sunday was the day in which celebrations, feasts, socializing and religious observance occurred for enslaved Africans.


    2. By the 18th century, Africans brought from West Africa were familiar with Catholicism.


    3. It is believed that approximately 10% of Africans in North America between 1711 and 1715 were Muslim.


    4. The burial of grave goods was a practice created by Africans upon arrival to the Americas in an effort to remember their homelands.

      Correct. The practice of grave goods is an established custom performed by different cultures in which items accompany the dead on their journey in the afterlife. This practice was not solely an African practice nor was it created upon the arrival of Africans to the Americas.