Ethnography in the Parks
Peoples and Parks
African Americans
Indian Tribes
Park Neighbors
Traditional Park Users
Research Approaches
Cultural Affiliation and Lineal Descent Studies
Ethnographic Landscape Study
Ethnographic Overview and Assessment
Oral and Life History
Rapid Ethnographic Assessment
Traditional Use Study
Ethnographic Resources
Objects and Artifacts
Plants and Animals
What Ethnographers Do
Conduct Research
Consult with Stakeholders
Coordinate with NPS Offices
Formulate Policy
Manage Cultural Registries
The Legal Mandate
The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
The American Indian Religious Freedom Act
The Archaeological Resources Protection Act
The National Environmental Policy Act
The National Historic Preservation Act
The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
The NPS Organic Act
Executive Actions
Executive Order 13007, Indian Sacred Sites
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments
Presidential Memorandum re Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal Governments
Management Policy
Chapter 5: Cultural Resource Management
Director's Order-28: Cultural Resources Management
National Park Service Management Guidance-28 Cultural Resource Management Guideline
Regulating Ethnography
The Freedom of Information Act
DOI FOIA Regulations
DOI FOIA Handbook
Protection of Historic and Cultural Properties (36 CFR Part 800)
NAGPRA Regulations
Recent Articles
Raising Muted Voices and Identifying Invisible Resources
Public History and Globalization—Ethnography at the USS Arizona Memorial
Close to Eden in Idaho—The Minidoka Internment National Monument
Latinos—¡Viva La Diferencia! Miguel Vasquez
Featured Articles
Speaking Nation to Nation
Stewards of the Human Landscape
Selected Reports
Training and Education
Research Methods
Workshop Proceedings
Traditionally Associated Peoples and Ethnographic Resources
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro REAP Workshop
Distance Learning
African American Heritage & Ethnography