There was a little girl ; Edison Talking Doll cylinder, brown wax ; Rolfs collection

There was a little girl ; Edison Talking Doll cylinder, brown wax ; Rolfs colleciton

Photo credit: Joan & Robin Rolfs

Title: There was a little girl (poem written by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)

Record type: Edison Talking Doll cylinder, brown wax (production design)

Recording date and location: c. February to May 1890, Edison Phonograph Works, West Orange, New Jersey

From collection: Joan and Robin Rolfs

Provenance of the cylinder: As Joan Rolfs explains: "Prior to 1994, collector Lenon Hoyte owned the doll to which this cylinder is attached. Mrs. Hoyte had a doll museum, an old three story brown stone in Harlem, NY, known as Aunt Len's Doll Museum. Auntie Len's collection was a major attraction in Harlem and doll collectors all over the east coast found their way to her museum."

Source of the digital audio: The cylinder was digitized on August 21, 2014 at Northeast Document Conservation Center using IRENE-3D scanning technology.

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Last updated: April 12, 2015

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