Click above to visit our page on accessibility for the visitor center, hotels, resturants and campgrounds!
Check out the rest of this page, below for information on accessibility for sightseeing and hiking!
For more information beyond accessibility on sightseeing, hikes, restaurants, hotels and more, please visit their respective page on our website.
Description: Scenic viewpoint with boardwalk and optional, walkable salt flat trail; Ramp and boardwalk go to the edge of Badwater Pool; There is a ramp from the end of the boardwalk and onto the salt flats (please be aware of the large holes in the salt flats); 2 rest stops near parking lot; Not easily viewed from car
Parking: 3 accessible parking spaces
Restooms: 2 accessible vault toilets
Description: Scenic viewpoint and optional, walk onto large, sharp, chunky salt field beyond parking area; Can be viewed from car
Parking: Small gravel lot; no designated accessible parking
Restooms: None; Closest restroom at Badwater Basin 2.5 mi (4 km) away
Description: 9 mi (14.5 km) scenic drive and optional not maintained, gravel walking area in two spots; Can be viewed from car
Parking: Small, level paved lot; No designated accesible parking
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet
Description: Scenic viewpoint and optional, walkable, uneven dirt trail beyond even, paved viewing area; Can be viewed from car
Parking: 2 accessible parking spaces with curb cuts
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet 1/4 mi (0.4 km) before viewpoint; Not accessible
Description: 3 mi (4.8 km) scenic drive and optional unmarked pull outs along the road
Parking: None
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Zabriske Point 2.2 mi (3.5 km) away
Description: Scenic viewpoint; Steep, paved grade to approach the viewpoint; 3 rest stops at viewpoints; Not easily viewed from car
Parking: 2 accessible parking spaces
Restrooms: 2 vault toilets
Description: Interpretive trail 1/4 mi (0.4 km) long; Partially paved surface with small sections of sand, gravel, broken pavement, and gradual uneven dips; Moderate grade-- assistance may be necessary; 2 rest stops along the path; Cannot be viewed or accessed
Parking: 2 accessible parking spaces
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Furance Creek Visitor Center 1.8 mi (2.3 km) away
Description: 1 mi (1.6 km) scenic drive; Can be viewed from car
Parking: None
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Furnace Creek Visitor Center 1.8 mi (2.3 km) away
Description: Historical gold mining site; Steep, uneven, rocky grade up to mining town viewpoint; Lower terminal and mill are a short, rocky walk from the parking lot; Aerial tramway viewing area is a strenuous 0.3 mi (0.5 km) hike up a maintained trail; Not easily viewed from car
Parking: Small gravel lot; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Hell's Gate Information Area 7.2 mi (11.6 km) away
Description: Scenic viewpoint and optional, hikeable, deep sand beyond viewing area; Access to dunes is rocky and uneven; dune hike includes deep sand and deep sandy hills throughout; Can be viewed from car
Parking: 4 accessible parking spaces with curb cuts
Restrooms: 2 vault toilets
Description: Scenic drive to beehive-shaped structures used by miners in the 1800s to produce charcoal; Semi-even gravel, dirt and bushes throughout the viewing area; Can be viewed from car
Parking: Small gravel lot; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet
Description: Scenic viewpoint; Viewing area is paved and even; Can be viewed from car
Parking: 2 accessible parking spaces with curb cuts
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet
Scotty's Castle is not accessible at the time. Construction work is currently underway to repair flood damage and to improve accessibility at this site. Thank you for your patience.
If you walk the rim trail, please stay on the trail. The crater rim and nearby gullies are composed of very loose material making them unstable and dangerous.
Description: Scenic viewpoint and optional, uneven, rocky and strenous hikeable pathway up and around the crater and a second, strenuous path descending into the crater; Can be viewed from car.
Parking: 2 accessible parking spaces with curb cuts
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Grapevine Ranger Station 5.8 mi (9.3 km) away
Caution: Rough and Remote Road 4x4 high clearence vehicles required
Description: A large playa-- a dry lakebed-- best known for its magical moving rocks; Fairly flat, dirt walk out onto the playa; Narrow bushes and natural desert terrain obstacles may be present on the unmarked path from the parking area to the moving rocks; Cannot be easily viewed from car; Please avoid approaching the playa when it is wet, it leaves behind ugly footprints that may scar the playa forever
Parking: Dirt pullouts on the side of the backcountry road; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Grapevine Ranger Station 33.2 mi (53.4 km) away
Ratings according to our Park Guide. Please keep in mind that the majority of our trails are not maintained or clealry marked. Be aware that the terrain may be quite rugged and without any infastructure.
* Easy ** Moderate *** Difficult
* Easy
Round Trip: 2.6 mi (4.2 km)
Elevation Gain: Minimal; a largely flat bike path with a gentle slop down the 190 Highway South
Grade: Easy; Relatively flat compared to other trails
Terrain: Paved bike path
Parking: Park either at Furance Creek Visitor Center or Harmony Borax Works
Restrooms: Furnace Creek Visitor Center
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 0.4 mi (0.6 km)
Elevation Gain: 50 ft (0.8 km)
Grade: Moderate-- assitance may be necessary
Terrain: Partially paved surface with small section sof sand, gravel, broken pavement, and gradual uneven dips
Parking: 2 accessible parking spaces
Restrooms: None; Closest at Furnace Creek visitor Center 1.8 mi (2.3 km) southeast
Rest Stops: 2 benches; 1 at the wagons on the lower loop and 1 past the wagons by the overlook out to the borax field
Round Trip: 1 mi (1.6 km) to the edge of the salt flats; 5 mi. (8 km) to other side of salt flats
Elevation Gain: 0ft (0 km)
Grade: Flat
Terrain: Salty flats; Ramp/stairs down to badwater pools boardwalk and a ramp thereafter onto the salt flats; there are holes in the flats where the boardwalk ends and the salt flats begin; Flats may be thick and muddy after a rainstorm; Areas of the flats without social trails may be less flat (chunky) than others
Parking: 3 accessible parking spaces
Restrooms: 2 accessible vault toilets
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 1 mi (1.6 km)
Elevation Gain: 86 ft (26 m)
Grade: Easy to Moderate; Beginning may require some assistance due to steepness
Terrain: Alluvial fan; Uneven, small to medium rocks throughout
Parking: Unpaved, dirt lot; dirt road to lot is typically drivable for sedans; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 2 mi (3.2 km) to tallest dune
Elevation Gain: 185 ft (65 m) to tallest dune
Grade: May vary depending on route and approach; Quite steep to tallest dune
Terrain: Start of the dunes is rocky and uneven; Mostly deep sand with deep sandy hills throughout
Parking: 4 accessible parking spaces with curb cuts
Restrooms: 2 accessible vault toilets
Rest Stops: None
** Moderate
2 Trailheads: Golden Canyon Trailhead (on Badwater Rd.) and Zabriske Point (on CA-190)
Round Trip: 3-8 mi (5-13 km) route dependent
Elevation Gain: 535 ft- 834 ft (163 km- 254 km) route dependent
Grade: Steep-- assitance may be necessary; A couple of areas with natural, rock steps
Terrain: Can vary; Red Cathedral northern section of the loop consists of gravel and fine sand; Area approaching the Manly Beacon hill eastern area is fine sand; Gower Gulch section is largely alluvium wiht medium rocks all throughout and a narrow, rocky step to the path that loops back to the Golden Canyon parking lot
Parking: Paved parking lots at both trailheads; 1 accessible parking space at Golden Canyon Trailhead (on Badwater Rd.); 2 accessible parking spaces at Zabriske Point Parking Lot (on CA-190)
Restrooms: Located in parking lots; 1 at Golden Canyon Trailhead; 2 at Zabriske Point Parking Lot
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 4 mi (6.4 km)
Elevation Gain: 1,200 ft (366 km)
Grade: Moderate to Difficult; 2 slick dry-falls after 1 mi (1.6 km)
Terrain: Mixed alluvial fan, sand, small to medium rocks throughout, slick marble rock within the first 0.5 mi (0.8 km) of the narrows/entrance of the canyon; 2 dry-falls that require rock scrambling (may be slick, especially when wet)
Parking: Large gravel lot; Buses and large RV's are not recommended;Dirt road to trailhead; Typically drivable for sedans; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest at Stovepipe Wells Village at the general store/gas station and resturants 3.4 mi (5.5 km) away
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 3.6 mi (5.8 km)
Elevation Gain: 600 ft (183 km)
Grade: Moderate; 2 dry-falls
Terrain: Small to medium alluvium towards entrance; Uneven, gravel throughout the trail (same substance as Artists Palette); 2 dry-falls that require rock scrambling (have decent footholds)
Parking: Large gravel parking area; Big enough for buses and RVs; Dirt road to trailhead; Driveable for sedans; On unmarked access road; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest at Golden Canyon Trailhead 1.7 mi (2.7 km) or Natural Bridge Trailhead 9.7 mi (15.6 km)
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 5 mi (8.4 km)
Elevation Gain: 1,580 ft (482 km)
Grade: Moderate
Terrain: Alluvium and large chunky rocks throughout; Many opportunities for rock scrambling
Parking: Large gravel parkng area; Big enough for buses and RVs; Same location as Willow Canyon; On unmarked access road; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest located at Badwater Basin 17.4 mi (27 km) or Ashford Mill 12.6 mi (20.2 km); Or follow principle 3 of Leave No Trace
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 4.2 mi (6.8 km)
Elevation Gain: 776 ft (237 km)
Grade: Moderate Diffcult; Optional, steep, rock climbing to view additional fall
Terrain: Alluvium throughout; Mixed medium rocks throughout; To access 2nd falls requires climbing onto an active, 3.5ft waterfall (can be slick and could require balancing on a stack of rocks)
Parking: Large gravel parking area; Big enough for buses and Rvs; Same location as Sidewinder Canyon; On unmarked access road; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest located at Badwater Basin 17.4 mi (28km) or Ashford Mill 12.6 mi (20.2 km); Or follow principle 3 of Leave No Trace
Rest Stops: None
*Due to recent flooding, trail conditions have changed. Heavy erosion has left debris and steep, unstable dirt edges. Hikers are advised to use caution.*
Round Trip: 2 mi (3.2 km)
Elevation Gain: 450 ft (137 km)
Grade: Moderate
Terrain: *See above for change in conditions*; Riparian enviornment with slippery mud and reeds, stream crossings and minor rock scrambling
Parking: Small gravel parking area; On an unmarked access road; High-clearance recommended to drive access road; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: None; Closest to Panamint Springs Resort (4.1 mi/ 6.6 km)
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 1.5 mi (2.4 km)
Elevation Gain: 500 ft (152 km)
Grade: Moderate; Exposed edges; Not good for those with fear of heights
Terrain: Small to medium sized gravel throughout; Steep exposed edges; Please stay on the trail. The crater rim and nearby gullies are composed of very loose material making them unstable and dangerous
Parking: Paved parking lot that directly overlooks the crater; 2 accessible parking spaces with curb cuts
Restrooms: None; Closest restroom at Grapevine Ranger Station 5.8 mi (9.3 km)
Rest Stops: None
*** Difficult
Round Trip:9 mi (14 km)
Elevation Gain: 2,090 ft (637 km)
Grade: Difficult; Steep walk along mountain rideline; Ends with large boulder field crossing by Mt. Perry
Terrain: Fine gravel social trail throughout; Medium rocks upthrust in some sections; Last 1-2 mi (1-3 km) includes steep climb made of crumbling dirt and walking on top of large boulder field to Mt. Perry
Restrooms: Vault toilet 1/4 mile (0.4 km) before viewpoint; Not accessible
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 8.4 mi (13.6 km)
Elevation Gain: 2,200 ft (671 km)
Grade: Difficult; Steep switchbacks in the beginning and throughout
Terrain: Fine pine needles and occasional big rocks imbedded into the ground throughout the trail; steep
Parking: 25 ft (7.62 m) vehicle limit in open gravel area; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet in parking area
Rest Stops: None
Round Trip: 14 mi (22.5 km)
Elevation Gain: 3,000 ft (914 m)
Grade: Gradual, difficult ascent before Arcane Meadows; Moderate grade around Arcane Meadows; Difficult, steep switchbacks passed Arcane Meadows and towards the final leg to the peak
Terrain: Dirt, minimal gravel or rocks on the majority of the trail; Gravel by Arcane Meadows halfway point; Switchbacks supported by stones and logs towards top of the peak; Large boulders by peak; Entire trail can be an icy or snowy mountaineer route depending on the time of year
Parking: 25 ft (7.6 m) vehicle limit in open gravel area; No designated accessible parking
Restrooms: 1 vault toilet in Mahogany Flat Campground 200 ft (60 m)