There are no scheduled commercial flights to airports within Death Valley National Park. Pilots with their own aircraft may use the airports, but other than a shuttle service provided for guests of the Furnace Creek Inn & Ranch Resorts, there is no public ground transportation or rental vehicles available from either airport. There is NO aircraft fuel available at either airport.
Furnace Creek Airport (L06)
- Location: 1 mile NW of Furnace Creek Ranch
- Coordinates: 36° 27.6300; -116° 52.7883
- Waypoint: BTY-114.7 181° 21.4 miles
- Hours: Not Attended
- Elevation: (minus) -210
- Pattern altitudes: 789 MSL all aircraft
- Runways: 15-33, 3,040 x 70
- Asphalt: poor condition; numerous cracks, bumps, ruts, and areas of crumbling asphalt over the entire length of the runway. Consider treating like a gravel/unpaved surface, and use caution at takeoff and landing.
- Weight limit: single wheel – 4.0
- Lights: None, daytime operations only
- Obstructions: Trees rwy 15; Brush rwy 33.
- Approaches: (VFR). FSS: Riverside 122.2
- Radio Frequency: CTAF: 122.9. FSS: 122.2
- Charts: Las Vegas sectional, low-altitude L5
- Noise abatement procedures: Noise sensitive area to east, avoid overflight of resort and campground. All aircraft to maintain 2500' AGL minimum over Death Valley NP boundaries.
- Notes: Right traffic rwy 15. Taxi only on pavement. Runway pavement in poor condition. Use caution.
- Lodging: The Oasis at Death Valley. 1½ mi (760) 786-2345. Airport pickup service available
- Tie Down Cables: Bring your own tie downs
- Fuel: No fuel available
Stovepipe Wells Airport (L09)
- Location: ¼ mile W of Stovepipe Wells Village
- Coordinates: 36° 36.2300: -117° 09.5533
- Waypoint: BTY-114.7 223°, 23.1 miles
- Hours: Not Attended
- Elevation: 25 feet
- Pattern altitudes: 825 MSL all aircraft
- Runways: 5-23 3,260 x 65 asphalt
- Lights: None, daytime operations only
- Obstructions: aircraft parked 75' from runway centerline
- Approaches: VFR. FSS: Riverside 122.2
- Frequencies: CTAF 122.9; FSS 122.2
- Charts: Las Vegas sectional; low-altitude L5
- Noise abatement procedures: Noise sensitive area to the south, avoid overflight of resort and campground. All aircraft to maintain 2500' AGL minimum over Death Valley NP boundaries.
- Notes: Right traffic rwy 23. Road rwy 23
- Lodging: Stovepipe Wells Hotel & Restaurant, 1/4 mile (760) 786-2387
- Tie Down Cables: Bring your own tie downs
- Fuel: no fuel available