Gruipeda vegrandiunus is an ichnospecies that was first discovered in Denali. The species name means “small one” as the tracks are very small compared to others in the area. It is a threetoed bird with webbed feet. Uhangrichnus chuni is named after a geologic formation in South Korea and for the person who discovered the tracks. Two sizes of these tracks have been found in Denali and the feet are completely webbed. Identification level: Ichnospecies What is for dinner? There are so many fossil bird tracks in Denali that it may represent the largest record of bird diversity from the Late Cretaceous. Denali’s fossil bird tracks are found in ancient river and lake shoreline environments. They have three toes and some of the tracks appear to be completely webbed or have traces of webbing. Fun Fact |
Last updated: August 15, 2016