Current Plow Crew Work Locations: Mile 74. Eielson Bluffs proved to be difficult and the wind last Friday and Saturday created a plow-back situation for the crews and no western progress was made for two days. Usually by mile 75 there are breaks in the snow and we can jump ahead a half mile or so in between drifts. That is not the case this year and snow depths have been consistent.
Steam Crew Locations: Done for the season and reporting back to summer duties
Snow Depths: 3 feet across the road and 5 feet in the ditch
Aufeis Depths: Zero
Road Open to Public Traffic: Teklanika Rest Stop, Mile 30
Equipment Status: All up and running. Thanks to the auto shop. The rental D8 bulldozer goes away today
Current Weather at HQ: 50 with high winds expected to develop
Wildlife Sightings: Many, all over.
Notes/Observations/Comments: Where we were on this date for the past five SRO's;
- 2017: Completed 4/28
- 2016: Completed 4/19
- 2015: Completed 4/28
- 2014: Completed 4/27
- 2013: Mile 70
Thank you everyone for being patient with us while we we filled in the Pretty Rocks Slump. The crew battled some less than desirable condition while doing it. The road is starting to get muddy and soft spots are beginning to develop in places.