Current Plow Crew Work Locations: Today's crew made it to upper Hogan and continued cleaning up from this weeks snow storm. They've passed through the multiple drifts from Primrose to Hogan and are putting the finishing touches on that segment of road.
Steam Crew Locations: No ice and currently cleaning up snow around HQ
Snow Depths: 3-4 feet across the road and drifts up to 20 feet deep and 100 feet long
Aufeis Depths: 0
Road Open to Public Traffic: Savage Cabin gate (Mile 14)
Equipment Status: The 143 grader has some hydraulic issues and is down currently but the auto shop is on it. We are using a back up grader right now to continue west. The 6 way plow is down and is in need of major repairs. Once the auto shop completes the repairs on the 143 they will move onto the 6 way plow. A big thanks to the auto shop crew.
Current Weather Forecast
Current Weather at HQ: 25 above and blindingly bright
Wildlife Sightings: Bipeds
Notes/Observations/Comments: Visitors, please be cautious if traveling beyond Savage River; with all the snow we have this year we need extra room to maneuver and turn around. With this being a snow year and warmer than average temps, its going to get more difficult as we continue west. The lack of ice is welcomed but we could get into a slush flow situation and potential flooding if temperatures continue on this trend. We are currently working on renting a larger bulldozer to help get through these large drifts. Reports indicate that the drifts will only become more frequent and larger the further west we progress.
March 23, 2018
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Last updated: March 23, 2018