News Release

Iron Will Hike

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Date: March 18, 2019
Contact: Carol Borneman, 606-246-1075

“Iron Will” Hike at Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
Park Volunteer David Earle to Lead the Way!

Park Volunteer David Earle to Lead the Way!  Bring your iron will and join Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Volunteer David Earle March 23 on a strenuous winding eight mile hike into the forest world of the Cumberland Mountain. Long ago, life in the mountains meant you walked in and with the mountains and understood their moods and seasons. During this hike, David will share stories of long gone people who came to the rough Appalachian backcountry with the iron will required to survive here. David will also parade the little known story of Camp Harvard, a summer school for geology held in 1875 and 1876 and located at the present Fort McCook parking area. “Geology is a passion of mine and this hike is perfect for grandstanding the area’s unique and abundant resources,” says an enthusiastic Earle.

 The 10:00 am hike will begin at the park’s Sugar Run picnic area accessed via County Road 988. From there, hikers will travel the Sugar Run Trail to the Ridge Trail where they will turn west towards the Pinnacle Overlook. After “summiting” at the Pinnacle, the group will descend to Fort McCook and take the Harlan Road Trail back down the mountain to return to the Sugar Run picnic area.

 Hikers should bring lunch and plenty of water. Hikers can plan on returning to their vehicles by 3 p.m.

 For additional information on this year’s program or a program schedule, visitors can call 606-246-1075 or request via e-mail us.

Last updated: March 18, 2019

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