Contact: Mark Woods, (606) 248-2817, extension 1052 Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. Present Generous Contributions to Park Support Groups The Pinnacle Overlook in Cumberland Gap National Historical Park served as the perfect setting when the Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (TFGC) recently presented donations totaling $8600.00 to the Friends of Cumberland Gap National Historical Park, the Friends of the Cumberland Trail State Park and the Cumberland Trail Conference (CTC).The Pinnacle Overlook provides a commanding view into the historic Cumberland Gap through which upwards to 300,000 pioneers journeyed in the late 1700's and an expansive sight of Cumberland Mountain, its peak and sides richly forested with towering tulip poplars, massive beech and impressive oaks.The overlook also allows one to trace the route of the Cumberland Trail State Park, one of Tennessee's newest state parks, as it winds its way along the mountain ridge from Cumberland Gap southward towards Chattanooga. It is this picturesque scene upon which outgoing TFGC President Alice Overton directed her remarks: "Staffs of Cumberland Gap National Historical Park and the Cumberland Trail State Park have worked tirelessly to insure that lands, reminiscent of what the early pioneers saw, are protected for our enjoyment and that of our children and grandchildren.Land is no longer being made and the legacy protecting land for our future generations is a gift that is priceless."Overton further explained that core missions of the TFGC mesh closely with those of the national and state parks and include education, protection and conservation of natural resources, promoting civic beautification and encouraging the improvement of roadsides and parks."Both Cumberland Gap National Historical Park and the Cumberland Trail State Park are in our backyards.Many of us literally wake up to these glorious views each morning.It is fitting that the Friends of Cumberland Gap, the Friends of the Cumberland Trail and the CTC be recipients of these TFGC land trust legacy donations as their support to the national and state parks is commendable; we all must all work together!" Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Superintendent Mark Woods acknowledged the closely knit partnership with the Cumberland Trail State Park in stating "Other than official signage, it is difficult distinguishing the boundary between the national and the state parks as our goals are the same in providing park visitors pristine opportunities to hike and recreate."Woods further explained that the Friends of Cumberland Gap was unveiled during the national park's 50th anniversary on July 4th, 2009."In just two years, our Friends Group has grown to the point where they are supporting numerous educational park programs.Last year, during the national park's autumn three day Raptor Rhapsody, the Friends Group provided funding to secure lunches and snacks for the dedicated volunteers who presented programs to almost 5000 visitors.The TFGC donation will allow the Friends Group to further assist Cumberland Gap in our joint goals of educating the public and preserving natural, historical and cultural resources." In his comments, Cumberland Trail State Park Superintendent Bob Fulcher applauded the Friends of the Cumberland Trail State Park and the CTC:"The development and maintenance of the Cumberland Trail continues to be accomplished through a working relationship between the Friends of the Cumberland Trail and the CTC.Members of these two groups have provided thousands of hours of manpower in physically constructing and maintaining the trail.Their enthusiasm in sharing with others the beauty and importance of the Cumberland Trail is contagious. These volunteers truly inspire me."Fulcher also expressed his appreciation to Overton and the TFGC stating the "donations will help garnish additional understanding and support for the trail." Information on each of the national and state parks, their support groups and the TFGC can be found at;;;www.friendsofthecumberlandtrail.organd |
Last updated: April 14, 2015