News Release

Cumberland Gap National Historical Park Resumes Park Operations

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Date: January 29, 2019
Contact: Mark Dowdle, (606) 246-1052
Contact: Carol Borneman, (606) 246-1070

Following the enactment of the continuing resolution to fund the operations of the National Park Service, Cumberland Gap National Historical Park is open and has resumed regular operations. The park visitor center is operating on its winter schedule with daily hours of 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. “We are excited to again greet visitors and provide stewardship, customer service, and amazing experiences to all who visit this beautiful national park site” states acting superintendent Mark Dowdle. With upcoming weekend temperatures predicted to be in the 50’s and 60’s, visitors are encouraged to explore the park. With almost 85 miles of trails, visitors can plan an hour long jaunt, an all-day adventure, or an overnight excursion into the backcountry.

The Pinnacle Road is presently closed due to ice and sub-freezing temperatures. Staff will open Pinnacle Road as conditions improve.

Park updates on weather related or other closures are posted on the park’s website and the park’s Facebook. Visitors can also call 606-246-1075.

Last updated: January 29, 2019

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