In the early days of the settlement, residents went off the mountain to local blacksmith shops for repair work. By about the 1920s, Willie Gibbons felt the population on the mountain warranted setting up his own blacksmith shop, attached to the carpentry shed he had built earlier. Jess Gibbons remembers his father building the two rooms of round, saddle notched chestnut logs and oak boards with a fireplace both for warmth and for burning up wood chips created by his carpentry work. The shop had a dirt floor. The blacksmith shop became a communal building for the neighborhood. As Jess Gibbons remembers, not only did the boys of the family work in the shop, but "there'd be a lot come in and watch him work. Turn them chairs or work in the blacksmith shop. And they'd bring all of their blacksmithing for him to do. Sharpening plows, mattocks, and first one thing and another." Sometimes neighbors simply came to the shop to do their own work: "They had something they wanted to fix in the blacksmith shop, why, they come down here. And if they couldn't do it their selves, why, they'd get my daddy to help 'em with it." The requested video is no longer available.
Last updated: June 16, 2015