Due to an internal audit, we have made some changes to the Academic Fee Waiver process that better aligns with National Park Service policy. Please read through the following information carefully, as your fee waiver requests must contain all of the following. 1. ApplicationApplicants should submit a completed written or typed request form for an academic fee waiver four to six weeks prior to the event. This time frame allows us the time to process the number of requests we receive. Any application received less than four weeks might not be approved for your group. Please complete the entire application (at least sections 1, 2, and 5) before sending it to the monument. Application form is available below. 2. DocumentationFor a fee waiver request to be considered, current official documentation of recognition or affiliation as an educational institution by a Federal, State or local government entity, or other evidence attesting to educational status is attached (e.g. Accreditation Letter or an Educational Tax Exempt Letter). It is insufficient to merely state or imply this on official letterhead. Your fee waiver cannot be processed without one of these documents submitted with your application. 3. Educational Purpose of the VisitThere must be a direct relationship between the visit purpose and the use of the monument. The visit must be to study some aspect/resource specific to the Colorado National Monument (geology, botany, zoology, etc.). A general statement to the effect that the visit is for "educational purposes" is insufficient by itself. The fee waiver application provides a section for a written statement describing the educational purpose of the visit, park resources and/or facilities that will be used. Simply state “See Attached” and attach course outlines, lesson plans, or a copy of the curriculum to meet this requirement. Please note that camping fees are not waived for educational groups. Download our Academic Fee Waiver application (256 KB pdf) and complete pages one and three (sections 1, 2, and 5).
Last updated: December 6, 2024