In the peak years of the 1870s, canal boats hauled millions of tons of freight including mostly flour, iron, and limestone. Eventually, the largest economic benefit of the Canal was coal transport from the Cumberland mines (Today in History - October 10: The C&O Canal, n.d.). During the 1870s, the commodities (a basic good or resource bought or sold in society) were flour, wheat, and corn. What are some necessary commodities that you could not live without to this day? Use the historical chart “Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Toll Rates for Various Commodities by Unit of Measure” to examine the various commodities.
Share your answers with us on social media, using #FindYourPark, #candocanal and tag us @COcanalNPS. Canal History: Canal Era from 1830s-1870s. (n.d.). Retrieved from Canal Trust: |
Last updated: November 19, 2021