Temporary Road Closure of LaFayette Road through Chickamauga Battlefield

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Date: October 14, 2014
Contact: Jeffry Thul, 423-752-5213 x125

Fort Oglethorpe, GA:Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park is advising the public that between November 2014 and June 2015, sections of LaFayette Road will be closed in order to complete asphalt resurfacing, bridge restoration projects, and the replacement of the Reed's Bridge Road/McFarland Gap Road intersection traffic light.This resurfacing project will not affect the visitor center's operating hours. However, the park asks that all vehicles use the marked detour routes.

The road closure will be completed using three phases of construction:

·The first phase will include the traffic light replacement at the Reeds Bridge Road/McFarland Gap Road intersection, asphalt resurfacing extending to, but not including, the Glenn-Kelly Road/Alexander Bridge Road intersection.Temporary employee and visitor parking to the Chickamauga Battlefield Visitor Center will be provided in McDonald Field, adjacent to the visitor center.Handicap parking will be provided near the visitor center throughout the project.

·The second phase will include the Glenn-Kelly Road/Alexander Bridge Road intersection and extend to Brotherton Road, near Tour Stop 4.

·The third phase will extend from Brotherton Road, near Tour Stop 4, to the park's southern boundary.

Please keep in mind that ALL roads within the park boundary will be affected by this closure.

For more information about this road closure, please contact Jeffry Thul, Chief of Facilities Management, at 423-752-5213 x 125

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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3370 LaFayette Road
Fort Oglethorpe, GA 30742



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