Notice of Public Scoping Period Willeo Road Multi-use Trail

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Date: December 15, 2010
Contact: Visitor Contact Station, 678-538-1200

The National Park Service (NPS) will be initiating an Environmental Assessment (EA) to consider alternatives and environmental impacts related to a proposed trail project that includes sections within the boundary of Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. The trail project is sponsored by the City of Roswell as part of the Roswell Riverside multi-use trail and would serve as a link within the overall trail plan for the area. The purpose of the trail would be to extend the existing riverside trail system along Willeo Road between Azalea Road and Willeo Park. Prior to initiating the EA, the NPS is seeking comments and input from the public during a 30-day project scoping period. 

Under this project, Roswell is proposing to extend the existing riverside trail system that currently terminates at the intersection of Willeo Road and Azalea Road in order to provide connectivity and safe pedestrian and bicycle access to the Chattahoochee Nature Center and Willeo Park at the Cobb County border. The project would also provide connectivity between the Roswell Riverside trail system in Fulton County and the Cobb County trail system that includes the Silver Comet Trail. The linking of these planned trail systems would provide over 40 continuous miles of trail from Roswell to Columbus.

More information on the project, including a map of the concept and preliminary alternatives, is available on line at the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website.

Comments or questions may be submitted on the proposed project by mail to: Superintendent, Chattahoochee River NRA, 1978 Island Ford Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30350, electronic mail at e-mail us, or through the NPS Planning, Environment and Public Comment website at The public scoping and comment period is open through January 14, 2010.

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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