National Park Week

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Date: April 7, 2016
Contact: Gina Hernández, 915-532-7273x129

Chamizal National Memorial Celebrates National Park Week April 16 - 24 
Superintendent F. Gus Sánchez is pleased to announce the events scheduled at Chamizal National Memorial to celebrate National Park Week, April 16 - 24, during this centennial year of the National Park Service.  
National Junior Ranger Day 
On Saturday, April 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., kids from 5-12 years old will participate in service and learning activities to earn their badge and become junior rangers of Chamizal National Memorial. The focus of this year's event is the planting of about 60 plants that are native to the Chihuahuan Desert, part of a long-term plan for a more natural landscape and less water use. To participate in the event or for more information, contact Mayra Herrera, Centennial Volunteer Ambassador, at or 915-532-7273. 
Park Store Sale 
The store in the Chamizal National Memorial Cultural Center is supplied by Western National Parks Association, a nonprofit which supports 67 national parks across the West. Most items, including books, clothing and collectibles, will be on sale at a fifteen percent discount during normal hours from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 16. NPS Centennial items have recently arrived and are only available for a limited time. 
Facilitated Dialogue: Bernabé 
On Wednesday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m., the public is invited to watch a performance of Bernabé, written by Chicano theater playwright Luis Valdez. Bernabé mixes Aztec mythology and classic Chicano characters in a story that encourages the audience to examine attitudes about nature by reacting to the main character's literal love for Earth. As with many of the plays of Luis Valdez, this performance is sure to lead to some interesting discussion, which is just what we hope to do. The program is part of our monthly facilitated dialogue series where the audience is encouraged to join in a conversation after the performance. 
Snapchat Story 
The National Park Service, one of the agencies in the Department of the Interior, will be sharing stories from national parks around the country on Snapchat throughout the day on April 22. Follow "usinterior" to see those stories including one from Chamizal National Memorial which will be posted from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. 
New Exhibit 
A multi-year project is underway to create an engaging, interactive exhibit about the Chamizal story. The first step, an updated and more comprehensive telling of the story, is now complete. Stop by the Chamizal National Memorial Cultural Center any day between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to browse the new interim exhibit. Your feedback is welcome and will help us as we develop the permanent exhibit. 
This year is a milestone for Chamizal National Memorial and the National Park Service. The act authorizing the establishment of Chamizal National Memorial was signed 50 years ago on June 30, 1966. The National Park Service, the agency which currently cares for this memorial and 409 other parks, was established 100 years ago on August 25, 1916. Many more events are planned throughout the rest of the year to celebrate these anniversaries. Visit and follow ChamizalNationalMemorial on Facebook to see regularly scheduled events and our calendar of special centennial events. For questions, contact Gina Hernández at (915) 532-7273 x129 or  

Last updated: May 26, 2018

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