2013 Siglo de Oro Art Contest

SDO 2012 Poster
"Queen of Diamonds" 2012 Siglo de Oro Poster Contest Winner

Artist: Hal Marcus

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News Release Date: November 27, 2012

Contact: Anne Doherty-Stephan, 915.532.7273 ext.124

Contact: Visitor Center Staff, 915.532.7273 ext. 126

The deadline is rapidly approaching to submit artwork to be considered for the 2013 Siglo de Oro XXXVIII Spanish Drama Festival exhibit and poster contest.  This year Chamizal National Memorial and our Friends Group, Los Paisanos de el Chamizal, are sponsoring two different Festival art contests - one for adult artists and one for youth. All original artwork must reflect the Spanish Golden Age or Siglo de Oro period of art, literature, and drama that spanned the late 15th to early 17th centuries.

To provide some inspiration for artists of all ages, some of the works tentatively scheduled to be performed at next year's Festival are "El Cerco de Numancia" and "El Coloquio de los Perros" by Miguel de Cervantes, "La Vengadora de las Mujeres" by Lope de Vega, and compilation works "De Burladores y Burlados," and "Misterio del Cristo de los Gascones." Other well-known playwrights, composers, and artists of the period include Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Tirso de Molina, Agustin Moreto, Tomas Luis de Victoria, Francisco Guerrero, Diego Velazquez, and Bartolome Esteban Murillo.

Submitted artwork that meets the contest criteria will be displayed in the Memorial's gallery spaces during the Festival on March 6-10 and through the month of March, 2013. Only the adult contest submissions will be eligible to be considered for the annual Festival poster and there is an entry fee of $30 for up to three (3) pieces that will go toward the prize money for the First ($1,000), Second ($600), and Third ($400) place winners. There is no entry fee for the youth contest but there will be a variety of prizes given.

Contest information sheets, criteria, and entry forms are available at the Memorial or downloadable from the following websites for the adult poster contest: https://www.nps.gov/cham/planyourvisit/upload/Siglo-Artists.pdf or http://www.los-paisanos-chamizal.com/poster-contest/. For the youth contest, https://www.nps.gov/cham/planyourvisit/upload/Siglo-Kids.pdf or http://www.los-paisanos-chamizal.com/poster-contest/childrens-art-contest/.

Original artwork must be dropped off in person at Chamizal National Memorial, located at 800 S. San Marcial, El Paso, TX 79905. The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m. on December 10, 2012.

For questions or more information, please contact Chief of Interpretation, Education, and the Arts Anne Doherty-Stephan at (915) 532-7273 ext. 124 or via email at Anne_Doherty-Stephan@nps.gov.

Last updated: February 24, 2015

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