Park Planning

"The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the national park system for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. The Park Service cooperates with partners to extend the benefits of natural and cultural resource conservation and outdoor recreation throughout this country and the world."

This National Park Service mission is the guiding statement that shapes the principles in which the National Park Service operates. Each park undergoes thorough and thoughtful planning, developing a general management plan to guide the decisions and actions taking place within a park site. To learn more about general management plans, and to view plans for other parks, visit the NPS Park Planning website.

Capulin Volcano National Monument Park Planning Documents

Fire Management Plan

Last updated: October 6, 2019

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Mailing Address:

46 Volcano Highway
Capulin, NM 88414


575 278-2201

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