News Release

New Primary Elevator Motors Installed

Photo of crane hoisting new elevator motor
One of two new primary elevator motors is hoisted for installation.


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News Release Date: March 20, 2018

Contact: Doug Neighbor, 575-236-1431

Work continues to modernize the primary elevators at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. A milestone was reached when a large crane removed the old elevator motors and installed new motors. Each motor weighs 7,300 pounds with a lift capacity of 4,000 pounds. The next step will be to install new guide rails in the hoistway.

“We're pleased with the project's progress to provide safe transport for our visitors and staff into and out of the cavern," said Superintendent Doug Neighbor.

There are two separate elevator systems (in two separate elevator shafts) at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The primary elevator system was originally installed in 1955 and went out of service in November 2015 when a six-inch motor shaft unexpectedly sheared off. Work to repair and modernize the primary elevators began in December 2017, and is on schedule to be completed by the end of May 2018. The secondary elevators have been providing all park elevator service while the primary elevators are being rebuilt.

Last updated: March 25, 2018

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