News Release

Castillo by Candlelight Taking the Plunge

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Date: September 26, 2017

St. Augustine, FL - In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Castillo de San Marcos National
Monument will host a special evening tour on Saturday, October 14 (Originally scheduled for October 21). Please join us for a special look at soldier life in the Castillo during the First
Spanish period (1565-1763).

During the early years of the Spanish colony, much of the city of St. Augustine directly relied on military pay to survive. But being a soldier was not only a job, it was a way of life. Accompany us as we follow a young man taking the plunge and joining the ranks as a soldier in defense of his hometown. Discover if you have what it takes to be part of the garrison that successfully protected St. Augustine for almost 200 years.

There will be three nighttime candlelit tours of the fort covering this period in history, with each lasting roughly 45 minutes. Tours depart from the ticket booth at 6:15, 7:15 and 8:15 pm. Nonrefundable tickets are available, on a first come, first serve basis, and may be purchased on or after September 30 at the ticket booth or by calling (904) 829-6506 ext. 239, Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Space is limited. The cost is $10 per adult ages 16 and up, $5 per child ages 5 to 15, and children under 5 free. For questions, please call (904) 829-6506 ext. 233.

Last updated: September 27, 2017

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Saint Augustine, FL 32084


904 829-6506

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