Filming & Photography

A permit will not be required for a visitor’s personal, noncommercial filming and photography activities within normal visitation areas and hours. (Outside normal visitation areas and hours, a permit may be required).

News Coverage
Commercial media coverage of breaking news does not require a permit, for either filming or still photography, but is subject to time, place, and manner restrictions, when warranted, to maintain order and ensure the safety of the public and the media, and to protect natural and cultural resources. Breaking news is an event that cannot be covered at any other time or location.

Commercial Filming

Under federal law, all commercial filming that occurs within a unit of the National Park System requires a permit.

"Commercial filming" means the film, electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience with the intent of generating income. Examples include, but are not limited to, feature film, videography, and documentaries. Commercial filming may include the advertisement of a product or service, or the use of actors, models, sets, or props.

Still photography

Still photographers require a permit only when:

  1. the activity takes place at a time and /or location(s) where or when members of the public are generally not allowed, or
  2. the activity uses model(s), set(s), or prop(s) that are not a part of the location’s natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities, or
  3. the park would incur additional administrative costs to provide management and oversight to prevent unacceptable impacts.

Permit Fees

Federal law requires the NPS to recover its administrative costs for commercial filming and still photography activities that require a permit. Cost recovery includes an application fee and any additional charges to cover the costs incurred by the NPS in processing your request and monitoring your permit. This amount will vary depending on the park and the size and complexity of the permitted activities. The application fee must be submitted with your application.

In addition, Federal law also requires the NPS to collect a location fee that provides a fair return to the United States for the use of park lands for commercial filming and for still photography requiring a permit. The location fee is determined by the type of activity. It is based on the current schedule, the number of permitted days, and the number of people on park lands associated with the permitted activity. There is no deviation from the schedule. The NPS uses the following fee schedules for filming and photography:

Commercial Filming/Videography

  • 1–2 people, camera & tripod only - $0/day

  • 1–10 people - $150/day

  • 11–30 people - $250/day

  • 31–49 people - $500/day

  • Over 50 people - $750/day

Still Photography

  • 1–10 people - $50/day

  • 11–30 people - $150/day

  • Over 30 people - $250/day

Permits (when applicable) are statutorily subject to cost recovery and a location fee, neither of which may be waived.

Additional Information

• You may be required to obtain liability insurance. The application with proof of insurance must be submitted at least seven business days prior to filming. Once all aspects of the project have been approved, a permit will be issued.
• When a permit is required, liability insurance naming U.S. Federal Government/Cane River Creole National Historical Park as additionally insured is also required. The minimum amount of the liability coverage is $1,000.000.00
• All vehicles must be parked in a designated parking area.
• The use of all props and equipment other than photographic equipment must be specified in your application and approved in the permit.
• Crews must not interfere with the enjoyment of visitors or force visitors to leave a certain area of the park in order to conduct the filming.

Public Law 106-206 In Public Law 106-206
Congress acknowledged the importance of resource protection and provided that a permit request should be denied if:

• There is the likelihood that resource damage would occur that cannot be mitigated or restored under the terms and conditions of the permit;
• There is the likelihood of unreasonable disruption or of conflict with the public’s use and enjoyment of the park;
• There is the likelihood that the activity poses health or safety risks to the public;
• There is the likelihood that the activity would result in impairment of park resources or values;
• The requested activity will violate any other applicable Federal, State, or local law or regulation.

Filming and Photography Permit Application

Questions? Contact us

Last updated: February 15, 2024

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1927 Remembrance Way
Natchitoches, LA 71457


318-352-0383 x316

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