Night Sky

Night Sky Image at CARI

NPS Mardorf

Thousands of individual stars and the diffuse smudge of the Milky Way arching across the sky are visible to the naked eye. Cane River Creole National Historical Park hosts Night Sky events. View our park calendar for the latest information on upcoming events you can take part in.

The night sky is extremely valuable as a cultural, natural and economic resource. In additon to all that - it is beautiful. The night sky has inspired philosophy and science, and brought humanity closer to the universe around us.

Today, however, people are starting to lose that connection, and visibility of the night sky due to the influence of light pollution. The good news: light pollution is a relatively easy environmental problem to resolve. Solutions are immediate, effective, and often save money.

Protecting night skies for ourselves and future generations only takes a bit of knowledge and effort in choosing night sky friendly outdoor lighting.

Find out how you can protect our night sky.
night sky patch

Explore. Learn. Protect.

The National Park Service has developed a Junior Ranger Night Explorer program, encouraging young park visitors to explore the starry side of their national parks.

This program is available at Cane River Creole NHP during our Night Sky Events. In this activity book, kids will use all their senses to explore the night environment at a national park. Upon completion of the program, children will receive their own Night Sky Explorer Patch.

Last updated: August 8, 2022

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