The Enslaved People of Magnolia in 1860

By 1860, the LeComtes and the Hertzogs owned more enslaved people than anyone else in the parish. Beginning with an enslaved woman and two enslaved children in 1766, the enslaved population reached 235 persons, housed in seventy cabins, by 1860.

In the midst of the Civil War, Arnold attempted to escape enslavement according to the following newspaper ad:
“Detained in the Parish jail of Avoyelles the runaway negro man Arnold, who says he belongs to Ambroise LeComte of the Parish of Natchitoches. Said slave is 20 years old and is 5 feet 9 inches high. The owner is hereby duly notified to claim his property according to law. Parish of Avoyelles January 10th, 1863. Dora Guillot. Jailor.”

The following information has been retrieved from archival records.

Zelise, age 16
Alexander, age 15
Charlotte, child of Meliza
Dorsina, child of Bazilis
Emile, child of Clementia
Emilis, child of Clementia

Last updated: January 2, 2022

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