News Release
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Contact: Joyce Umbach, 870-439-2502
Spend the day listening to great music, enjoying good food, and learning about the traditions of life in the Ozarks at The Ozark Folklife Festival on Saturday, October 13 at Buffalo National River, Tyler Bend from 10am to 5pm. We welcome everyone to celebrate the heritage of the Ozarks as this event brings traditional Ozark artists and craftspeople together in the park for a day of musical performances and demonstrations.Lee Mountain Ramblers, Crooked Creek Ceili Band and Dancers, Crooked & Steep, Spring Creek, Porchlight Symphony and Southern Tradition Bluegrass will perform throughout the day at the Tyler Bend Pavilion.
Town House Café of Harrison, AR is providing a menu of shrimp & grits, bar-b-q ribs, ham & beans, pulled pork nachos, and potato salad. Misty’s of Leslie, AR is providing desserts of fried pies, chocolate rolls, and banana bread.
Demonstrations and displays in the Tyler Bend Picnic area include weaving, spinning, blacksmithing, fiddle making, candle making, old fashioned children’s games and more.
Come join us for a day of Ozark fun, music and food.
Last updated: September 27, 2018