Myadestes townsendiWeight: 1.1-1.2 oz (30-35 g) HabitatOpen pine, fir, and spruce forests in mountainous regions. DietInsects and berries. IdentificationA distinctive feature of the Townsend Solitaire is its white eyering. Gray bird with a long tail, short bill, rounded head, and upright posture. BehaviorThe Townsend solitaire is commonly found perching on branches during all times of the year singing its beautiful songs, or flying back and forth catching insects. During the winter, the Townsend Solitaire moves to lower elevations in search of juniper berries. ConservationCurrent numbers appear to be stable. When and Where to See at BryceCommonly seen in our open pine forests. Listen for their complex finchlike song that lasts up to a minute, as well as its short squeaky eeek call. Further ReadingTownsend's Solitaire | Audubon Field Guide |
Last updated: February 11, 2021