Helene Recovery Projects - At a Glance

Crew clearing road debris
Crew clearing storm debris at MP 318


Remnants of Hurricane Helene struck the Blue Ridge Parkway on September 27, 2024, heavily damaging the Parkway motor road, facilities, and trails. Storms of this scale might strike once every thousand years on average. Helene brought up to 30 inches of rain coupled with wind gusts up to 100 miles per hour to some areas resulting in catastrophic flooding, landslides, washed out roads, and countless downed trees. During your visit, you may experience the ongoing effects from this storm for many months, and even years, as we continue our recovery efforts.

Check this page frequently for updates. This list is not comprehensive and additional projects may be added or changed. The funding source, estimated repair timeline, and additional information for each project will be provided as they are established.

Map showing Parkway sections impacted by Hurricane Helene
This map highlights areas along the Parkway where the most significant damage from Hurricane Helene occurred and where initial emergency repair work is underway. It is not a complete list of all sites that will require repair and restoration work, just those scheduled for the first phase of recovery.



Storm Damage - Project Information