News Release
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Contact: Christopher Derman, 423-569-9778
Join Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area in celebrating the deeply rooted tradition of Decoration Day on the Cumberland Plateau with the inaugural Cemetery Quest event on May 15, 2021. Participants venture to eight different cemeteries located throughout the Kentucky Region of the park, Daniel Boone National Forest, and other lands in search of site-specific information about the families and individuals who called the area home.Participants begin their quest at 8:00 AM (ET) at the Kentucky Ranger Station, located in Stearns. Those who successfully complete their cemetery quest by 4:00 PM will earn a unique challenge coin and 20 points toward the GO BIG 2021 Challenge.
Mark this event on your calendar and join us as we celebrate the time-honored Appalachian tradition that honors and remembers the human history of the Big South Fork Region.
The event is free and open to the public. For more information call (423) 286-7275.
cultural history cemetery
Last updated: April 8, 2021