News Release

Public Comment Period Open on Proposed Fee Increases

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Date: February 19, 2021
Contact: Christopher Derman, 423-569-9778

Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area seeks public comment on a proposal to increase the daily fee for overnight stays at some park campgrounds and for daily use of picnic shelters as well as add a new venue for event reservations. A review completed in fall 2020 recommended fees either remain the same or increase based on other comparable campground facilities nearby. The proposed changes would go into effect on May 1, 2021.

“Keeping park campgrounds affordable and providing a great experience is our priority,” stated Superintendent Niki Stephanie Nicholas. "We invite everyone to comment on these proposed camping fee increases. Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area is an important recreational, ecological, and economic contributor to our communities in Tennessee, and Kentucky, and we appreciate the importance of obtaining public input in considering increased camping fees."

The proposed increases for Bandy Creek Campground are as follows:

  1. 30-amp Electric Hook Up Camping: from $25 to $30 per night
  2. 50-amp Electric Hook Up Camping: from $32 to $35 per night
  3. Group Camping: from $125 to $140 per night

Other campgrounds in the park with proposed increases are:
  • Blue Heron Campground: from $20 to $30 per night
  • Alum Ford Campground: from $5 to $15 per night
Picnic shelter rental fees would increase from $10 to $30 per day

The new Blue Heron Overlook Gazebo would be reservable for two-hour blocks of time at $120 each.

Both Alum Ford Campground and the Blue Heron Overlook Gazebo will now be available for online reservation through

Holders of the America the Beautiful Access and Senior Lifetime passes would continue to receive 50 percent off the nightly campground fee; however, this discount would not apply to picnic shelter rentals, gazebo rentals, or group camping at Bandy Creek Campground.

These important sources of revenue are used to support projects that improve visitor experiences including maintaining and improving trails, campground facilities, visitor centers, as well as funding seasonal work positions.

The public comment period for all these changes will run from February 22 through March 22, 2021. Please provide comments postmarked by March 22, 2021 by mail:

Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area
Attention: Park Superintendent – Proposed Campground Fee Increases
4564 Leatherwood Road
Oneida, TN 37841

Comments submitted by phone or email will not be accepted. Comments submitted by individuals or organizations on behalf of other individuals or organizations also will not be accepted.

Last updated: February 19, 2021

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