Last updated: May 18, 2023
Southeast Coast Network News February 2020
Paula Capece to lead Rocky Mountain Network
Southeast Coast Network Data Manager Paula Capece is leaving at the end of the month to be the program manager of the Rocky Mountain Inventory and Monitoring Network, based in Fort Collins, Colorado. Paula joined the Southeast Coast Network in February of 2015. She has been a key part of the network's efforts to upgrade many of its existing data systems, as well as build out new systems as monitoring protocols were completed. The procedures and tools she helped develop have significantly improved the network's ability to manage and distribute the data collected. Paula has worked on various technical assistance projects with network parks and assisted with other regional and national projects. She spent nine of the last ten years of her NPS career within the Southeast Region, five of those at the Southeast Coast Network. While we'll be sad to see Paula leave the Southeast Coast Network, we're excited for her new opportunity and extremely happy she'll be staying with the National Park Service and within the I&M program. Paula's last day with the Southeast Coast Network is February 29.
Chelsey Stephenson to Assist with Shoreline Monitoring
Chelsey Stephenson, the lead biotechnician at Cape Lookout National Seashore, started a detail last month with the Southeast Coast Network as coastal technician. Chelsey worked at Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve in January and will be working remotely from Cape Lookout National Seashore in February and March. In addition to collecting the shoreline monitoring data at Cape Lookout National Seashore, Chelsey will assist with shoreline monitoring at Cape Hatteras National Seashore. Welcome to the network Chelsey!
Working on Assessment for Timucuan
Coastal Ecologist Lisa Baron and Program Manager Brian Gregory joined regional Natural Resource Condition Assessment (NRCA) program manager Dale McPherson, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve (TIMU) park staff including Superintendent Chris Hughes, Science and Resource Manager Steven Kidd, and Museum Curator, Anna Lewellen; and co-operators from Saint Mary's University (Minnesota) to complete phase one of the park’s Natural Resource Condition Assessment (January 21-23).
Network Staff Present at Timucuan Science and History Symposium
Southeast Coast Network Botanist Forbes Boyle and Aquatic Ecologist Eric Starkey presented at the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve Science and History Symposium January 31 at the park. Coastal Ecologist Lisa Baron also attended the one-day event in Jacksonville, Florida.
In the Field
Completed in January
- Continuous water-quality data was collected the week of January 20 at Congaree National Park, Fort Pulaski National Monument, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, Fort Matanzas National Monument, Canaveral National Seashore, and Cumberland Island National Seashore.
- Partial ARD (automated recording device) deployments were completed for the 2020 bird and anuran monitoring program at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Deployments were also made for SECN Intern Lily Martin's thesis research project. Lily, graduate student in Wildlife Ecology and Management at the University of Georgia, will be using networks of ARDs to estimate Eastern Screech Owl (Megascops asio) density at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area.
Upcoming in February
- Continuous water-quality data will be collected at Congaree National Park, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, Fort Matanzas National Monument, Canaveral National Seashore, and Fort Pulaski National Monument.
- Wilderness First Aid Training for I&M staff is February 6-7 at the network office in Athens, Georgia. Contact Eric Starkey for details.
- ARD deployments are tentatively scheduled for the following parks: Fort Pulaski National Monument, Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve; and Fort Matanzas National Monument. Additional ARDs will be deployed at Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area.
- rocky mountain network
- cape lookout national seashore
- timucuan ecological and historic preserve
- cape hatteras national seashore
- natural resource condition assessment
- timucuan ecological and historic preserve science and history symposium
- congaree national park
- cumberland island national seashore
- canaveral national seashore
- fort matanzas national monument
- fort pulaski national monument
- chattahoochee river national recreation area
- automated recording devices
- screech owl
- wilderness first aid training
- southeast coast network news