
Make Your Own National Park Bingo

National parks are full of interesting sights, sounds, and experiences. Create your own National Park Bingo game to play with family, friends, or by yourself. Be creative while filling in your bingo card. National Park Bingo can be played while visiting a park or as a virtual challenge using national parks' websites. Find any of the more than 400 national parks to begin.
Blank bingo card titled "National Park Bingo"

NPS / Matt Turner

The image is a bingo card template titled "Parks National Park Bingo" and consists of a five by five grid. The center box three rows down and three rows across is filled with a ranger hat intended to be a free space or challenge to find a ranger hat. Instructions for the activity are on this webpage.


Print or use computer software to fill in the bingo card with things you might see in a national park. Horizontal, vertical, or diagonal rows of five equal a bingo, but see if you can find all of your suggestions.

  • Option 1: Challenge yourself to find items on your bingo card while visiting parks or a national park website.

  • Option 2: Challenge family and friends to get bingo first using the same card while visiting a national park or on national parks' websites.

  • Option 3: Players fill in a bingo card and give it to another person so everyone has a unique card. See who can get bingo first.


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Last updated: April 4, 2020