
Scavenger Hunt

Map of historic district with three stars marking location of audio posts at Blacksmith Shop, Schoolhouse, and Petroglyph Panel.
Use the map to find audio posts (marked by red stars) throughout the park.


Want to learn more about Capitol Reef National Park? Find all the audio posts in Capitol Reef to discover the human history of the park. Can’t visit in person? Listen to the audio posts on the park website and complete the scavenger hunt online.

Uncover the answers to the questions by sliding the photo comparison, or jump to the answers below.

Slide for Answer

Text: what are the teacher's recollections about her time as a schoolteacher in Fruita? Photo of 1930s schoolhouse interior. Text: what are the teacher's recollections about her time as a schoolteacher in Fruita? Photo of 1930s schoolhouse interior.

Left image
What did Janice O. Torgerson remember about her time as a schoolteacher in Fruita?
Credit: NPS/C. Roundtree

Right image
Slide for answer.
Credit: NPS/ C. Roundtree

Slide for Answer

Text: what activities did people do while Dewey Gifford lived in Fruita? Black and white photo of house with man standing in doorway. Text: what activities did people do while Dewey Gifford lived in Fruita? Black and white photo of house with man standing in doorway.

Left image
What activities did people do in Fruita while Dewey Gifford lived there?
Credit: NPS

Right image
Slide for answer.
Credit: NPS

Text: How did people of the Fremont Culture acquire food? Image: bighorn sheep images carved into rock wall. Text: How did people of the Fremont Culture acquire food? Image: bighorn sheep images carved into rock wall.

Left image
How did people of the Fremont Culture acquire food?
Credit: NPS/C. Roundtree

Right image
Slide for answer.
Credit: NPS/ C. Roundtree

Answers for Scavenger Hunt Questions:

Q: What did Janice O. Torgerson remember about her time as a schoolteacher in Fruita?
A: Kind children, rough-and-tumble children, tricks played on her, beauty of Fruita and cliffs, schoolhouse needing repairs, not enough supplies, grapes and trees, and many other memories.

Q: What activities did people do it Fruita while Dewey Gifford lived there?
A: Farming and ranching, going to Sunday School, hunting and fishing, quilting and sewing, reading, and playing baseball.

Q: How did people of the Fremont Culture acquire food?
A: By being hunter-gatherers and farmers.

Capitol Reef National Park

Last updated: August 15, 2021