Last updated: March 11, 2022
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Garden Grove Exhibit Audio Description

NPS Exhibit
Built to Order Exhibit Audio Description
Garden Grove - Built to Order Exhibit Audio Description
Listen to the audio description Garden Grove - Built to Order exhibit.
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007 (Grade 6) Slanted Wayside Panel: Built to Order 751 words / Panel Description: 5.9 minutesIn front of you, is a slanted panel 3 feet wide by 2 feet tall, and about 3 feet off the ground, Mormon Trail Road is about 105 feet, or 32 meters, to your right. You are at the Trailside Historical Park. To reach this panel, you passed through an opening in a wood fence with posts about 4 feet apart. 3 wood planks run between the posts. Around you is a rolling landscape with trees and farm fields. There are dense trees to your left and behind you, starting around 275 feet, or 80 meters, away.
There is a black banner across the top on the panel. Left side text reads Garden Grove. Right side of the panel has the white, orange, and black triangular logo for the Mormon Pioneer National Historic Trail.
Title: Built to Order Main text below banner: Here, halfway across Iowa, the Mormon pioneer Vanguard Company set up the first way station. Crews dug wells and built cabins. Others restocked provisions and readied fields for planting. With a shared goal and much perseverance, they organized a small village. After a few weeks, most of the group continued their journey west. Several hundred people stayed behind to recuperate and cultivate the crops. They hoped to feed travelers who would come later.
This “Magic City of the Woods” was perfect for farming. But the Latter-day Saints still faced starvation, disease, fatigue, exposure, and rattlesnakes. Over 500 emigrants stayed here during the first winter, but 70 did not survive. The Garden Grove settlement remained active until 1852.
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In the top right corner, is an infographic with tan and white text on a faded brown background: Infographic title: Lessons Learned Logistical challenges slowed the travelers down after they left Nauvoo. As they continued westward, they became more organized and progressed more quickly. 100 families organized into 1 company. 1 company was made of 2 units. 1 unit was made of 5 groups. Each group had 10 families.
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Above the text is a graphic that explains the company organization. There are 100 circles organized by 10 pairs of vertical rows with 5 circles in each row. The color of each pair of rows alternates between white and dark gray. On the left side of the graphic, a dark green teardrop points to the top left circle. On the teardrop, is a simple white drawing of a covered wagon. The wagon represents 1 family. Each circle in this graphic also represents 1 family. 1 pair of vertical rows represents 1 group, which has 10 circles, or 10 families. 5 pairs of vertical rows represent 1 unit, which has 50 circles, or 50 families. All 10 pairs of vertical rows represent 1 company, which has 100 circles, or 100 families.
A colorful illustration fills this panel. This artistic interpretation of the Garden Grove settlement is drawn from archaeological studies. A wide dirt road runs from the bottom middle of the panel toward the top. On the left and right sides of the road, are 2 rows of brown log cabins and smaller outbuildings. The cabins have pitched rooves with wood shingles, and stone chimneys. Some of the chimneys have white plumes of smoke coming out the top. In the bottom middle of the road, is a covered wagon led by 2 pairs of yoked oxen, with a second wagon close behind. Groups of people gather to exchange supplies, in sacks and barrels. There are 4 other wagons scattered across the wide part of the road. Away from the road and behind the cabins, are small wooden outhouses, and corals for livestock, clusters of trees, or rows of green vegetables in gardens. Yellow, green, and brown fields extend out from the cabins towards the edges of the panel. On the left side, below the main text, is a man in an open wagon. He, along with 2 other men standing a field, are harvesting wheat. At the far end of the wide road, near the top of the panel, the road narrows and curves left then right, farther out on the horizon. There is an orderly line of covered wagons led by animals. The road is flanked by rolling hills to the right and left. A light blue sky fills the top part of the panel.
In the bottom right corner of the panel, is a QR code that you can scan with a mobile device to explore more about this wayside, including audio description.
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