Part of a series of articles titled 2021 Battlefield Land Acquisition Grant Highlights.
Commemorating the War for Independence at Great Bridge

Courtesy Library of Congress
Recipient: Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
Award Amount: $278,134.88Acreage: 0.66
Though small in acreage, this land bears witness to the experiences of African American soldiers during the American Revolutionary War. The Battle of Great Bridge was the first major land action in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Following Lord Dunmore’s 1775 proclamation announcing that those enslaved by revolutionaries could fight for their freedom by joining the British army, hundreds of freedom seekers fled to Virginia. They formed the “Ethiopian Regiment,” which fought at the Battle of Great Bridge in December 1775. Liberty proved elusive, though. British forces sustained heavy casualties and retreated to the fleet in the Chesapeake, where many soldiers tragically died of smallpox while crammed onto warships. This early American victory forced the British evacuation of Virginia and, ultimately, the disbanding of the regiment. Many soldiers went on to serve in other Black Loyalist units and, at the conclusion of the war, moved throughout the British empire as free, though not equal, subjects. Thanks to a Battlefield Land Acquisition Grant from the American Battlefield Protection Program (ABPP), the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (VA DCR) was able to acquire the property.

Courtesy of the American Battlefield Trust.
Battlefield Land Acquisition Grants empower preservation partners nationwide to acquire and preserve threatened Revolutionary War, War of 1812 and Civil War battlefields. In addition, the program administers three other grants: Preservation Planning Grants, which are open to all sites of armed conflict on American soil, the newly authorized Battlefield Restoration and Battlefield Interpretation grant programs. This financial assistance generates community-driven stewardship of historic resources at the state, tribal and local levels.
Get Your Project Funded
Check out the American Battlefield Protection Program's website for more information about various grant offerings and eligibility.
Last updated: June 10, 2022