Ojibwe Education Ranger Application Workshop at Legendary Waters

A line of thirteen children in bright colored winter clothes walk along a path in a stand of white pine and birch trees.
Youth on a park sponsored snowshoe outing.

NPS Photo

Wenabozho Ominisan (Apostle Islands) National Lakeshore is seeking tribal members to apply to the position of Ojibwe Education Ranger. Join us for an information and application workshop at Legendary Waters on Monday, September 26, 2022 from 6:00 to 9:00pm or on Tuesday, September 27, 2022, from 10:00am to 1:00pm.

The Position:
This education and outreach position works with schools, tribes, park staff, the community and general public. Job duties include:
  • Complement and support existing tribal, school district and community programming
  • Collaborate to create new programs for the community and general public that appropriately share the Ojibwe connection with wenabozho ominisan
  • Support park operations on the mainland and on the islands, including boat operation
  • Studying and sharing Ojibwemowin
  • Presenting programs orally, preparing website and social media content, supporting exhibit and signage projects

This laddered position offers applicants opportunities for career advancement, retirement, and health benefits. Depending on applicant qualifications pay ranges from $16.73/hr. to $32.95/hr. Selected applicant will receive annual raises and opportunities to advance to higher pay grades.

The Workshop:

To support tribal applicants, the park is holding two workshops at Legendary Waters. This workshop will:
  • Describe the position
  • Explain the USAjob.gov online hiring process
  • Assist participants in building a resume that will compete in the online sytem
  • Help tribal members get employment credit for traditional knowledge, ceremonial experience, language expertise, and other cultural knowledge/experience
For more information contact: Becky_Olson@nps.gov or Myra_Foster@nps.gov

Last updated: September 13, 2022

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