Virtual Tour


Open Transcript 


Hello everyone. I'm Park Ranger Keith Snyder and I'd like to welcome you to our virtual tour of Antietam National Battlefield. I'm standing in the center of the park, just outside of our visitor center in the beautiful Cumberland Valley in Western Maryland. And it was here on September 17th, 1862, that the Union Army of the Potomac met the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia. After 12 hours of savage combat, 23,000 were killed, wounded or missing in the bloodiest day in American history. Four times the American casualties on D-Day, six times those that occurred at Pearl Harbor. Your tour will take you to 10 of the key sites associated with the battle maps, images, quotes and stories will lead you through this national park. We hope that this tour will inspire you to visit the battlefield, that someday you will take the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of soldiers Clara Barton and Abraham Lincoln, that you will take the time to sit and contemplate in the Dunker Church, or stand on the edge of the historic cornfield. A cornfield unlike any other in American history. Maybe someday you will walk the historic sunken road known forever after the battle as bloody lane. Or take your kids and charge across the Burnside Bridge, the icon of the park. If you visit, you definitely want to stroll the sacred grounds of our National Cemetery. All of these are part of 3000 preserved acres that make up your national park here at Antietam, however, you experienced the battlefield, whether virtually or in person, take time to contemplate the horrific carnage and monumental sacrifice that reunited our nation and helped lead to the freedom of four million Americans. A place that President John F Kennedy, who stood on this very spot, described as a turning point of worldwide consequence and important to the whole course of human liberty. We hope to see you soon. Thanks. 

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2 minutes, 10 seconds

Introduction to the Antietam Battlefield Virtual Tour.

2023 Unigrid Map of Antietam National Battlefield
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