Logo Endorsement

Endorsement Program

To encourage broad public participation in the bicentennial of Andrew Johnson, events, and other activities that embody the bicentennial's messages of Andrew Johnson’s humble beginnings, the struggles that he overcame to achieve the Presidency, his endorsement of the Constitution and how his political career shaped the United States today. When considering endorsement, the applicant must demonstrate to the Steering Committee’s satisfaction that the proposed project meets at least one of the bicentennial goals:

  • Increasing knowledge and awareness of Andrew Johnson in the US and abroad
  • Encouraging public participation and attendance at bicentennial activities and institutions
  • Increasing historical literacy about Andrew Johnson for young people
  • Encouraging research, scholarship, and increased understanding of Andrew Johnson
  • Creating a lasting legacy of Johnson themes and contributions to endure beyond the bicentennial

Benefits of Endorsement

  • Recognition of the Andrew Johnson Bicentennial Commission website
  • Permission to use the Andrew Johnson Bicentennial logo on promotional materials
  • Letter of endorsement from the Steering Committee

Ineligibility Guidelines

The Steering Committee will not endorse:

  • Individuals
  • Political or religious organizations
  • For profit

The Process

To be eligible for an endorsement review, please complete the Application for Endorsement by the Steering Committee. Email is the preferred method of receipt. Please name your file according to the project’s title or organization name and email all application materials to Anita Clark at anita_clark@nps.gov. If you are unable to email it, you can fax your materials to 423-798-0754.

Your application will first be reviewed by Steering Committee for completeness and appropriateness to the Steering Committee mission

If you have questions, contact Anita Clark at423-639-3711 ext. 100.

Application for Endorsement

To submit a proposal for endorsement, complete the Application for Endorsement.

About the Andrew Johnson Bicentennial Endorsement Process

Thank you for your interest in becoming an endorsed project of the Andrew Johnson Bicentennial. 2008 promises to be a year of celebration, reflection, and newfound discovery of facts about our 17th president.

The Process

To be eligible for an endorsement review, please complete the Application for Endorsement developedby the Steering Committee. Email is the preferred method of receipt. Please name your file according to the project’s title or organization name and email all application materials to anita_clark@nps.gov. If you are unable to email it, you can fax your materials to 423-798-0754.

If you have questions, please call Anita Clark at 423-639-3711 ext. 100.

Endorsement Criteria

To be considered by the Steering Committee for endorsement, the applicant must demonstrate to the Committee’s satisfaction that the proposed project meets at least one of the bicentennial goals outlined on the application.

Benefits of Endorsement

  • Listing on the events website
  • Permission to use the Andrew Johnson Bicentennial logo on any promotional materials
  • Standard letter of endorsement from the Steering Committee

Ineligibility Guidelines

Please note that the Steering Committee will not consider endorsing the following:

  • Individuals
  • For-profit ventures
  • Political or religious organizations

Last updated: April 14, 2015

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Andrew Johnson National Historic Site
121 Monument Ave.

Greeneville, TN 37743


423 638-3551

Contact Us