Science & Research

Aerial photo of shoreline with houses along coastal edge.
Climate Change in Alaska

Discover the effects of climate change in Alaska's melting glaciers, rise in water levels, and decline of several species.

Close up on person's finger with sandy looking substance and a small black squiggle.
Ice Worms!

Alaska boasts some of the most unique wildlife encounters with large animals, but did you ever consider the smaller creatures?

Aerial view of white cloud leaving crater of mountain; snow scattered across.
Natural Phenomena

From earthquakes, bore tides, volcanoes, and sundogs - get curious about the many natural phenomenon that make Alaska awe-inspiring.

Close up of hand holding a rock with a fossil outline; beach scene in background.
Paleontology in Alaska

An intriguing side to Alaska is the abundant fossils found across the land; be aware of fossil and artifact collection laws at each site.

Last updated: February 13, 2024

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Suite 105

Anchorage, AK 99501


907 644-3661

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